Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Run 2014: Weeks 14 - 20

Week 14: 
June 10th
     400, 600, 800, 1200, 800, 600, 400 @approximately 2 minutes per lap
June 12th
      7.03 in 1:06:32, average 9:27
 June 14th
      9.00 in approx 1:28:00 ish, average 9:51
I forgot to restart endomondo after my break so my times aren't accurate.

Week 15: Katherine in town
June 22nd
     9.02 in 1:30:51, average 10:04

Week 16: Katherine in town
June 28th
     9.01 in 1:29:06, average 9:54

Week 17: 4th of July camping
July 3rd
     6.83 in 1:24:55, average 12:26
Very horrible run on an empty stomach. Walked frequently. 
July 5th
     11.01 in 1:50:42, average 10:03
Good run from the park into town. Spot on pace.

Week 18:
July 10th
     7.72 in 1:20:13, average 10:24
July 12th
     9.65 in 1:51:09, average 11:31

Week 19:
July 17th
      7.24 in 1:09:20, average 9.35
Faster than pace.  No chews and felt fine.
July 20th
     12.02 in 2:00:42, average 10:03
Spot on pace.

Week 20:
July 24th
     7.02 in 1:07:31, average 9:37
Faster than pace and no chews.
July 26th
     8.02 in 1:19:01, average  9:51
Faster than pace and no chews.

Overall thoughts:
As you can see I got very behind on updating and we haven't done a spectacular job getting our runs in. But things have been going really well actually. In the last couple of weeks I have quit eating electrolytes on the shorter runs (less than 8 miles) and it hasn't been bad at all. I haven't noticed a decrease in energy on the runs where I haven't had chews and my times have been better since I'm not having to fuss around with getting the chews out.

As far as the training plan goes, everything still seems doable. The assigned paces have seemed managable and physically the runs have felt fine. Nothing has been particularly sore and I haven't needed my compression sleeves in weeks. My ankle has been feeling fine. I'm still running in the brace although I have loosened it significantly. If I were running shorter distances I would transition to running without it but it's just too much of a pain in the butt to deal with all that at this point.

We're currently planning all our runs to include a water refill at one of two water fountains. This has been working pretty well and I've enjoyed not using the pack. I'm thinking that I'll need to transition to it soon though. I'd like to get used to running for longer non-stop and don't want to get in the habit of relying on having a break during my runs.

All in all, the running has been doing quite well. We've been successful in continuing to build mileage and maintain the speeds that we're hoping for. We're hoping to be able to resume our speed training soon and we'll see how things go after that.

Fort4Fitness: 9 weeks
Huff: 21 weeks

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014 - 2009 = 5



Happy 5th Anniversary, hon! I can't believe that it's been five years already. Five years of fun times and craziness (mostly mine). Five years of selfies and trips. Fives years of delicious food and way too many desserts (impossible!). But mostly five years of love and you being the most patient man on the face of the earth. Thanks for putting up with me and all my hairbrained ideas. I love you more than anything and can't imagine living this life without you with me.

Besides, you take some pretty kick ass selfies ;-)