My running career is currently on hold. I found a plan that I like pretty well. I think it'll start off at a good level for me and it seems to have pretty steady increases. I'm looking forward to starting it. My delay however is caused by a nasty collection of things. For one, it's disgusting weather in Ft. Wayne right now. It's cold and dry and it hurts to breathe. We also currently have about nine inches of snow. I know this may not seem like alot so some of you but to me, it's alot. I grew up further south where the most we ever got was three inches and it was melted in two days. Having eight inches of snow fall and then stay for more than a week is a novel event in my life.
The second issue is that we're just so darn busy at the moment. We're in a monday night class at church and have IV on Thursday nights. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are filled with things around the house and trips to the grocery store. While I know on one level I still have plenty of time to start running it's just so inconvenient. To get myself loaded up, to the gym, work out and get back home takes twice as long as I would like to spend running. So pretty much until it gets warmer and this class at church ends (eight weeks!!), it ain't happening. I guess I'll just have to wait for spring until I can lose my shoes and start running :-)
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