Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Part 2 of Why I love my small house

After ragging on myself and my feelings about my small (672 sq ft) house recently, I want to expand on some of the reasons why I really do love this house. This is the second post in a series discussing what I love about my bathroom. Part 1 can be found here.

Once again, I have to start with the obvious: it's small. It's fast and relatively easy to clean. Or as easy to clean as a bathroom can be.

Secondly. It has a medicine cabinet. I love this so much. I love knowing that my toothpaste is tucked inside where nothing can get on it. I love not having to look at it all the time. It's a win-win situation.

Thirdly. I love this frame and these post cards. I bought on vacation several years ago and was lucky enough to find this frame that fits them perfectly! Everytime I look at them I'm reminded of my favourite beach. It's my happy place :-)

But my absolute favourite thing about this bathroom? It would have to be this set of shelves. Sure it's kind of messy and our toiletries are out for everyone to see, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It holds so much and I don't have to find somewhere else in our house to store these items.

There you go! Now you know what makes me happy when I'm using the toilet. Tomorrow I'll look at the office!

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