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After a 17 month break (early December 2012), we picked things up a couple of weeks ago and we're back to running and training. I have a post planned for later this week to talk more specifics about our running plans and goals for this year but it's more than I want to write at the moment. For now, let just jump into a run down of the past week, week four.
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Tuesday, April 1st: 3.13 miles in 31:11
First run experimenting with the compression sleeves and felt awesome. Great run but crazy weather! 53F but sustained winds of 18 with gusts of more. I had pain in my left ankle starting at mile 1 that continued for the rest of the run. Afterwards no pain.
Thursday, April 3rd: No run
It poured all day and set a record of 1.81 inches of rain so we did not go out for a run. Rest day for us!
Saturday, April 5th: 4.06 miles in 40:08
A really nice run. Good weather. Still chilly, I wore my tights and long sleeves but didn't actually need my jacket. I was happy with my pace and that's including the walking period where I redid my hair. I'm still having ankle pain around the 1 mile mark.
Overall thoughts:
So far the runs are going quite well. My cardiovascular strength is coming back much more quickly than I thought it might after our long break. My muscles have been doing well with the runs. They're not excessively tired or sore. I've been having some reoccurrence of the ankle pain that plagued me in the fall of 2012 although it seems to have changed ankles. In 2012 I thought that it was tendonitis and after researching it some more this past week I'm positive that that is still my problem. I've also been researching stretches and exercises and started a few in the last couple of days. We'll see how much these help. We have a light week on tap for next week and beautiful weather predicted so if everything goes well I should be feeling fine next week!
Fort4Fitness Half: 25 weeks
Huff: 37 weeks
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